Below: Nachtbaum, 2011, diptych, 140 x 240cm, oil on linen
I met Dutch painter Jan Mulder at the group show 'Odyssey To The Orient', on the island of Paros, in Summer 2012. Amidst the many examples of his stunning colour work on display, were a couple of black and white paintings that contained a different kind of energy to the full-spectrum compositions. Jan has kindly allowed me to include the paintings here, and has also provided some new pieces to be previewed exclusively for MONOBLOG. - Alexi K
Below: Nachtbaum, 2012, 140 x 120cm, oil on linen
Jan Mulder: ''What drives me to make black and white drawings / paintings?
Black & White: very pure, free
of colour, it's memory, photography; reminiscent of the past, so present, vivid melancholy, prehistoric cave drawings, black & white dreams, consolation / comfort.
I love black.
It's colour.
It's basic.
From black it starts.''
All images below: ink on paper, approx. 12 x 18 cm each.
Netherlands + 316 215 459 71
Click on Older Posts ( below ) to see work by Alexi K and Kevin Ryan in the second part of this Christmas Edition...>>